Senin, 15 September 2008


I wish that today i don't have to work, do my duty in this office. Allah, this is so hard to me. I feel so down deep:( You lie to me.. You said you don't want to make me sad, you said that i'm one of your best friend, you said that you care about me. You couldn't keep your promise. I'm so upset, you know that??? That's bullshit!!! Why you didn't tell me the reason why? After all you can leave me, you can dump as you wish! And i will receive it my friend:) Ehm.. you just create a second sadness:) I'm sorry if i made a mistake to you. I'm sorry if i'v hurt you so deep. Really i didn't meant it.. Hope that you'll comeback soon, say goodbye to me:)

10 komentar:

iam mengatakan...


artinya apa, mbak?? maklum topelnya cuma 200..itu pun kembali.

namaku wendy mengatakan...

ahahaha iam dudul, wis gak usah dipikir, gak penting:p

FATAMORGANA mengatakan...

lagi sedih ya mbak waktu posting ini?

Shanty Mahanani mengatakan...

There's a rainbow after the rain...!

Shanty Mahanani mengatakan...

Udah nggak sedih, kan=)?

Elsa mengatakan...

jadi ikutan sedih nih....

partelon mengatakan...

sadness? apanya sardens tuh?

Shanty Mahanani mengatakan...

just smile 4 u...!

Update Info mengatakan...

jangan sedih yaa MBAK
Smile again :) Ok

Kuyus is cute mengatakan...

Jangan sedih donk mak .. bisa bisa aku bikin puisi nich, kalo mak sedih .. khan repot .. pake mikir dulu ..
hue he he